24 May 2019

​The 22nd May 2019 saw the international Pilot community gather at the Pilot careers event, Flight Crew Futures. Held at the Hilton Hotel, Gatwick, UK the day encompassed a range of exhibiting airline and recruitment businesses alongside a programme of insightful career seminars.

The event organised by Seager Publishing, in association with the British Airlines Pilot Associate (BALPA) brought a fresh approach to career opportunities for experienced and new pilots

GOOSE Recruitment took the prime spot on stand 1 and welcomed Pilots entering the event with branded GOOSE Recruitment cupcakes to the delight of the visitors.

We were honoured to be part of Flight Crew Futures for the first time and held our seminar “How to land a great Pilot job – a Headhunter’s Perspective” at 11:45 am. Mark Charman, CEO & Founder of GOOSE Recruitment delivered the presentation and covered a range of topics including; 'Setting career goals', 'How to write a great CV', Social Media profile advice', 'What to look for in a great recruitment partner', 'Telephone interview techniques', 'Skype interview guidance', 'Face to face interview etiquette' as well as advising on how to start looking for a job. Charman welcomed a number of questions at the end of his talk and was inundated with Pilots asking for his career advice on the GOOSE Recruitment stand after his talk.

Charman commented on the team’s attendance at Flight Crew Futures: “At GOOSE Recruitment we always welcome the opportunity to meet Pilots and airlines face to face – our ethos is high-touch, not high-tech and nothing beats the human touch. I was delighted with the enthusiasm and interest of Pilots in the GOOSE Recruitment business and the global opportunities we have on offer. We will be busy in the days after the event ensuring that any Pilot that shared their CV with us will receive a personalised follow-up call.”  

GOOSE Recruitment has already secured their place at the second Flight Crew Futures event on Wednesday 16th October, again hosted at the Hilton Hotel, Gatwick.

We look forward to meeting with Pilots at this event and sharing all our new Pilot vacancies.  

If you would like any further information Pilot career advice, why not check some of our career insights:

How to fly through Group Interviews

What your social media profiles tell employers about you 

Make your CV stand out from the crowd 

A Pilot’s Guide to Skype Interviews

GOOSE loves to talk to Aviation Professionals from across the world

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