01 March 2021

With levels of job insecurity high, what impact does this have on the pilot recruitment market? As part of The Pilot Survey 2021, we asked pilots that were employed and flying or furloughed in the next 12 months whether they would change jobs. Over half of these pilots agreed that they would.

When we looked at the group that were employed and flying, 43% were still planning to seek a new opportunity in the next 12 months. 82% of these pilots also agreed that it was the pandemic that had impacted their decision to seek new roles.

Mark Charman, CEO & Founder of GOOSE Recruitment noted “We were initially surprised by this. We would have thought that those who were employed would not be active in a new job search and would see their employment as a safe port in a storm. However, when you combine this with current job insecurity levels, it perhaps is not quite so surprising that many may feel they need a backup plan, just in case.”

Looking at just those who were currently furloughed, 81% agreed they would be looking for a new job in the next 12 months. This may astonish some readers that it was not closer to 100%. However, those in senior positions in airlines may be reluctant to ‘start again’ in a new airline. It will also depend on the communications by their management team and whether they have used the furlough scheme as a means to secure much-needed funding. 92% of these pilots agreed that it was the pandemic that had impacted their decision to seek new roles.

“What was interesting was that when we asked those on furlough if they were concerned about their job security, 95% said that they were. However, only 81% were planning on seeking a new role. In our experience of working with pilots, we have found that those in coveted senior positions for legacy airlines were passionate about staying with their current employer. Some have been reluctant to consider other opportunities and would only do so if they were eventually made redundant,” said Charman.

You can read the full Pilot Survey Report 2021 here

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